Friday, July 4, 2008

Sharing a few things..

My human angel shared this one with me, so I thought I would share it all with you..

I havn't bought a magazine in over 12 years, I stopped buying them long before Princess Di died.. I really don't give a rats butt what movie star is doing it with whom, who cares and I really don't need to give someone my hard earned money to lie to me..
I rarely watch TV, and I do mean rarely. Tv puts me to sleep, I think its because I don't have to think.. Then there is the news, how come they don't have a show about good things, but I guess if you see something positive it might take away the fear thats instilled with all the doom and gloom they produce..
But sadly I did walk past while my angel and his mate were watching and talking the other night, I caught a short news bulletin, It showed 6 people standing around while a woman died right before them and none of them would assist her...
All it said was that that doctors and nurses all lost their jobs over it..
Man is that depressing, let me see 6 people who are trained and paid to save lives stood by and didn't help, I didn't find out why, it bought me to tears..
May be she didn't have medical cover, gee thats a good enough reason to stand there and let another HUMAN BEING die.. May be she was a druggie, phhhhtt why waste your energy..
Or may be our society is just so hooked up on money that they just have forgotten HOW to be human these days....
I bet those 6 people are not losing sleep over the fact they did what they did, they will be losing it cos they have lost their income...
Karma's a bitch, lets hope they don't now find themselves in the same situation as that poor woman, and if they do that the people they turn to have a freakin heart and help...
Anyway nuff said.....

I entered a color challenge at Digital Scrap Cafe, you get a massive kit for free just for registering with them... I checked it out looks like its going to be a fun place to play..
So here is what I finally came up with, many got deleted lol....

I played around a lot with papers and things for this, so there will finally be a kit for me to share
with you all as well, just have a few more things I would like to add to it..
And because I figured you would like it, going by the last one I put up,
I made a QP for you all as well..

*Hugz* and thanks for CU use to these ladies..
Obsidian Dawn

Mama Cat Scrap


Lisa of Sophisticated Scraps

Designs by Babette- LBCreations

petit moineaux

And again I will say thanks for the lovely comments some of you
have been leaving on my blog & 4 Shared, I see some of you in my wanders over
the net, and you warm my heart everytime I see you leave comments..:)

Ladies "YOU ROCK"


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